Birthday breakfast: Italianni’s
El miércoles fue cumpleaños de mi amiga a Rebeca, pero como ese día no pude festejar con ella decidimos vernos el viernes para ir a desayunar, celebrar y ponernos a corriente sobre nuestras vidas. El lugar seleccionado fue la sucursal del restaurante Italianni’s qué hay en Zacatecas, pues vimos que también tenían desayunos.
Wednesday was the birthday of my friend Rebeca, but that day I can’t celebrate whit her so we decided to see us Friday for breakfast, celebrate and catch up. The place selected was the Italianni’s sucursal in Zacatecas, we saw that they had breakfast too.

We arrived after 10am and there was already some people, we get a table of our choice and they brought us the menu and offered us coffee; we saw they have “full breakfast” (I don’t know if I’m using well the concept) and that was we ordered, I ordered mine with frute and she with orange juice, and both chilaquiles verdes with scrambled eggs, and of course, more coffee because was refill. For that tipe of breakfast I think the price was good: we paid $89 pesos each one! Also, I have to say the service was so good and with zero pressure after the breakfast (Rebe and I stayed talking a lot!)
El lugar es tranquilo, la música no la ponen para nada fuerte y su playlist música italiana del momento, lo cual me encantó! Sin duda un lugar que recomiendo para ir a desayunar!
The place is quite, the music isn’t loud and the playlist is Italian modern music, I loved that! Without doubt I recommend this place for breakfast!
When we get out from the restaurant we walk for a while in the mall, and we did some accessories shopping in Todo Moda and after we went to Starbucks for more coffee. It was a very cool morning!
Mi outfit para este date con Rebe consistió en un vestido rojo, un suéter negro, unas botas negras de suela ancha, un bolso negro y una diadema negra de terciopelo que yo hice.
Hasta aquí el post de hoy :)
Until here today’s post :)
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